Steve and Wendy image

A good museum makes
“a positive difference in the quality of people’s lives.”
Stephen E. Weil
Making Museums Matter, 2002


From Stephen E. Weil


“Experience suggests that the surest way in which not-for-profit organizations primarily funded by contributions – so-called “donative” organizations of which museums (again, with churches) are a prime example – can attract ongoing support is by demonstrating a consistent ability to achieve results.”


“A Success/Failure Matrix
for Museums,”

Museum News, 2005



Satisfied Stakeholders Test

Evaluate how much your stakeholders really believe in you.

Scoring: (4) Frequently, (3) Sometimes, (2) Rarely, (1) Never

Do your stakeholders: Score
Make positive comments about
your institution/exhibits/programs…
Willingly volunteer…  
Visit often and bring others with them…  
Respond to surveys and other requests for information…  
Become members…  

If your score is: 18–20, your stakeholders are satisfied; 17–14, your stakeholders are not fully satisfied; 13 and below, your institution isn’t connecting with its stakeholders

To learn more, please contact me. I also suggest reading Gail Anderson’s Reinventing the Museum from my Recommended Reading list.